Several years ago, doing business in a sustainable way was primarily a marketing move on the part of businesses…..or because the owners were personally dedicated to saving the planet. The question now is: After many years of awareness and progress in sustainable practices and products, does being “green” make economic sense for a business? CUSTOMERS First, lets’ explore how customers …
How to Write an Effective Business Email
Not being able to write an effective email will hurt your business…… more than you know. It’s the tool that we all use to communicate with our customers, vendors, employees, friends and family. Most of us prefer email or text because it gives us more control as to when we respond, and how we respond. The phone is too immediate …
What Does Your Office Look Like Today?
Over the last couple of decades my “office” has dramatically changed. Has yours? MY FIRST My first “office” was an architectural drafting table in a vast warehouse-like room full of drafting tables. It was an architectural sweat shop. We all sat right next to each other with not one inch in-between each table – all jammed into this big open …